Since 2002, Maximator GmbH has been part of the holding of the Schmidt, Krantz & Co group, the beginning of which can be considered the Nordhauser Maschinenfabrik enterprise, founded in 1885 by entrepreneurs Kranz and Schmidt to supply potash fertilizers to Germany. Since 1956, it has been Schmidt, Krantz & Co, a manufacturer of drilling rig components. In 1945 Normag Sorge GmbH was founded as a tractor manufacturer. Since 1970, this plant also began to produce hydraulic systems, by 2002 it became Maximator Hochdrucktechnik.
Now MAXIMATOR GmbH (Lange Strasse 6, 99734 Nordhausen) is not only a manufacturer, but also a developer of test equipment and high pressure systems for a variety of industries. The company has branches all over the world. The quality of the products is confirmed by the ISO 9001 certificate. Here you can buy MAXIMATOR products at an affordable price with delivery in Russia and the CIS.